Friday, May 31, 2013

05/31/2013 Sucking 3 Boy's Dicks

The Guys are ending the week with an amazing show with thrills and frills! It's going to be crazy! Hostile Takeover is going to be in studio with Wedge and Roach for tonight's live Wedge Radio Show! The Guys are going to talk about Sex, Live Sex, 3 Little Boy's Dicks, Jerking Off in Public, and so much more! It's going to be a crazy show tonight! Listen live at 10PM PST/1AM EST! You can listen live at Clutch and Wiggle Entertainment or you can watch the show live at!

Monica Amestoy is a woman who takes out her frustration on the wrong people... A man was minding his own business when Monica apparently became distraught. She then asked the flight attendant to stop this man who was minding his own business... The man then stopped masturbating until the flight attendant left. So, what is the thing that Monica does? She sues United Airlines...Son of a bitch!

Just like the last story, a mother is suing the wrong people for a crime that would almost be impossible to stop. Some boy grabbed another boy and forced him to suck another boy's dick... Then another boy's dick and then another boy's dick... There was a lot of dick sucking going on... The mother is suing the school for 6 million dollars for her slutty kid's forced actions... That's not cool man, the school was just the location.

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Thursday, May 30, 2013

05/30/2013 Drunk Heroes and Fake Mermaids

It's Thursday and you know what that means!? Tonight's Wedge Radio Show is followed by I'm Just Sayin' with L.J. Brown and Friends! It's going to be a great show! On tonight's Wedge Radio Show the guys are going to talk about Growing Up (again), Mermaids, Hoaxes, Dolphin Babies, Papa John, Racism, Sex with Mommy and Daughter-y, Live Sex Shows, Movie Theaters, Child Stars, and Sex mid Drive! It's going to be a crazy show! So, listen live at Clutch and Wiggle Entertainment or watch the show live at! The Wedge Radio Show starts at 10PM PST/1AM EST and stay tuned after midnight for I'm Just Sayin' with L.J. Brown!

It seems that Animal Planet, a TV Station that is based off of documentaries about animals and their traits, has gone off the deep end. Just like any other TV Station that has a niche market, Animal Planet has now gone to the "theoretical world" and started to make shit up and people believed it... Sadly, they decided to FAKE a video of a mermaid and make a documentary around it to fool people into thinking that they're real. Fuck them and the HISTORY CHANNEL! Aliens my ass!

Luis Briones is a man of our own heart. He was drunk, like we are often enough on the show, and he was having sex while driving. I've often wondered how to do that. Vaginal Sex obviously. The Guy was drunk, driving, fucking a girl, and crashed. I'd surmise that he'd get a felony or something. The woman was thrown from the car and he was... Well. Arrested. Drunk Heroes are Hard to Find.

Stay tuned after the Wedge Radio Show for I'm Just Sayin' with L.J. Brown and Friends! The show starts at around 1AM PST! Check it OUT!

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Wednesday, May 29, 2013

05/29/2013 Sex Moms and Sex Dads

The Guys are back for another exciting episode of the Wedge Radio Show! The Guys are going to talk about High Schools, Masturbaters, Papa Johns, Racists, Disneyland, Bombing, Sex, Cinemas, Dolphins, Sex Moms, Sex Dads, Smoking/Huffing Alcohol and so much more! It's going to be a great show tonight! So, listen live at 10PM PST/1AM EST and watch the video of the Guys at or you can listen to just the audio at Clutch and Wiggle Entertainment! Tell your friends!

Jessica and Monica are looking for a couple of confused men, who are like them to join them in a sexual relation... Jessica is Monica's, 22, 56 year old Mother and they both star in Mother-Daughter Porn. Before you get mad, remember this: they do not have sex with each other, but the same man. Does that make it OK? No fucking clue! Well, they're looking for a Father Son team to swap some fluids... I don't think you'll find that unless the son was molested.

So, it seems that the kids have figured another way to get high, err well drunk. The "kids" figured out that if you take dry ice and booze and mix them together you'll get high. Drunk. It seems that this is even more dangerous than binge drinking to excess and then to alcohol poisoning. Well, this seems to be the "best" way to get excessively drunk and then die from alcohol poisoning! Let's do this. Let's die tonight!

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Tuesday, May 28, 2013

05/28/2013 The Girl Named Masturbation

The Guys are back after a 3 day weekend with a brand new episode of the Wedge Radio Show! The Guys are going to talk about Arrested Development, Comic Books, Racism, High School Kids, The Kid Named Masturbate, Live Sex, Movie Theaters, Giving Birth to Dolphins, Riding Around in Cages with Mom, and so much more! So, tune in tonight @10PM PST/1AM EST and watch the video feed live at or listen to just the audio at Clutch and Wiggle Entertainment! Then after the Wedge Radio Show it's Ripped in Half with Jason, Steve, and Eric!

Papa Johns is not having a very good year. They've been through the racist door, especially since the CEO "Papa" stated that Obamacare will force layoffs. How is that racist? The President, Mr. Obama, is black so obviously it IS racist! I've always hated that bullshit. So, what happened was a Papa John's employee had accidentally butt-dialed the man that he delivered a pizza to and spouted off racist words. Like using the N-Word in a variety of creative ways... Still fucking racist.

Kaitlyn Booth is a cunt, this bitch decided that her contemporary, Raigan Mastain, shall appear in the school yearbook as Masturbate. No charges were filed, but Kaitlyn was arrested and the school passed out little stickers to cover up the name. Apparently, it would cost $41,000 to reprint the books and fix the misprint. So, the school just fixed her name on the internet. Yay? I'd keep the misprint, that's funny shit!

Stay tuned after the Wedge Radio Show and listen to Ripped in Half with Jason, Steve, and Eric!

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Friday, May 24, 2013

05/24/2013 The Rube and the Fortune Teller

The Guys are going to celebrate it being Friday and they're going to end this week with a bang! I can already see it in Wedge, he's fuming about something... It's not going to be good. Well, the Guys are going to talk about The Act of Killing, The Pope, Fortune Tellers, Bail, Afghans, Muslims, and so much MORE! It's going to be a great show! So, you don't want to miss it! Tell your friends and what not. The show starts tonight at 10PM PST/1AM EST! You can watch the Live Video Feed at or just listen to the audio live at Clutch and Wiggle Entertainment!

Some people are just dumb and some people are just petty. This Spanish man, Jose Laparra, is fucking dumb and petty. The business man was arrested for breaking into Lucia Martin's house and for stealing $212,000! Why did he do this? Well, Lucia Martin is a fortune teller and they sold Jose a love spell. Guess if it worked. God damn are people really fucking stupid! How do you believe in hocus pocus!?

Within the midst of the fucking attack on the soldier in London, another reason to be angry at Muslims comes to light. We're not against Muslims per se, but we're fucking pissed the fuck off with their violent behavior! ACT RIGHT! Well, Afghan University Students are protesting. Yup, they're protesting against women's rights. Fucking great. I fucking hate people.

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Thursday, May 23, 2013

05/23/2013 America: An Amazing Place

The Guys are coming in today with a score to settle! OK, maybe not, but they're still going to have a great fucking show! They're going to talk about Pussies, Samsung, Phones, TV's, Amanda Bynes, Downward Spirals, Knife Roulette, Robbing Banks, Jennifer Aniston, Movies, The Hangover, and so much more! It's going to be a great show! So, tune in live at Wedge Radio Network for the Video or just listen to the audio at Clutch and Wiggle Entertainment! Then after tonight's Wedge Radio Show, is I'm Just Sayin' with L.J. Brown and Friends! Tune in at 10PM PST/1AM EST!

We here at the Wedge Radio Network feel that outrage groups are a bunch of pansy assholes who have nothing to contribute to society except intolerance and the pussification of America... Well, some dudes are a bunch of pussies! A Samsung commercial featured a TV evolving into a Smart TV. Then the woman put an evolving thing in her husband and became "better." Well, that was it. These men are outraged! I bet they were with the amount of blood that was pouring out of their vaginas.

Amanda Bynes has hit the end of her rope and we couldn't be happier with this story. Queue Yakkity Sax. She started by smoking pot in the lobby of the building that she lived in. So, a bell boy called the police and when they appeared at her door they noticed a bong, and in a now-you-see-it-now-you-don't motion, she tossed that mother fucker out of her window! Needless to say, it was not coy. Well, she was arrested and now the downward spiral is nearing 1 of 2 phases. One being a Lindsay Lohan Continuous Spiral phase or Hitting the Ground Hard phase. I can't wait to find out...

Stay tuned after the Wedge Radio Show for I'm Just Sayin' with L.J. Brown and Friends! The show starts at around 1AM PST! Check it OUT!

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Wednesday, May 22, 2013

05/22/2013 Son's Ghostly Goo

It's just the average Hump Day, but on tonight's show the Guys are going to go on a TEAR! You're going to want to listen to the Wedge Radio Show tonight at WedgeRadioNetwork (Video) or Clutch and Wiggle Entertainment (Audio) tonight for the live show! The Guys are going to talk about Ghostly Apparitions, Ectoplasm, Wives, Sons, Bars, New Jersey, and so much more! You're going to want to listen tonight live at 10PM PST/1AM EST and participate with the show live!

A man in Tasmania was afraid that there might be some ghosts leaving some ectoplasm in his home, so he shoves a camera in a room to find out where the ghost goo could come from. Well, much to his shegrin it turns out that his son is involved... Oh, and his wife. His son from a previous marriage had been apparently had been fucking his now wife. She's 28 and he's 16. OH MY GOD! I'm fucking jealous of this kid! What'd she look like? No clue what she looks like, but she got 5 counts of child fucking. Hahaha, I hope he kept the tape.

Authorities raided 29 bars in New Jersey and found something that should distress even the casual listener, but the facts are so horrendous that I wonder about our bars out here in California! What they did? They've been selling shit alcohol as top shelf shit! WHAT!? Imagine that you order a Jack and Coke and it's made with Jim Beam. They posted a list of these bars on the website, so if you live in Jersey you might want to check out this list. Just downright evil.

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Tuesday, May 21, 2013

05/21/2013 The Good Ol' Snatch and Grab...

The Guys are BACK! Wedge apologizes that the Guys didn't have a show yesterday, but he has a good reason... Yeah, he was enjoying his night at the Magic Kingdom that queer bait. So, the Guys are going to talk about Oklahoma, Disneyland, Justin Bieber, Liking Exposed Teens, Poking Teens, Ghosts, Thievery, and so much more! The Guys are going to be live tonight at the Wedge Radio Network displaying a lovely video of the show, or if you don't want a video then listen LIVE at Clutch and Wiggle Entertainment! Then after the Wedge Radio Show it's Ripped in Half with Jason and Steve! It al starts at 10PM PST!

So, it seems that Justin Bieber is a Douche Bag... OK, granted this is a given, but he's taken it past that point of comfortability. He's in a strange place and it appears that even though an entire group of girls are cheering, there are just as many, if not more, people booing his appearance at the Billboard Music Awards. The young man was boo'd and cheered for Bieber winning an award, also wasn't it great that Bieber told the crowd that he should be respected... BWAHAHAHAHAHA!

This is why I love the Internet! Some dude decided to steal a woman's cell phone and did so. The Guy immediately starts running and grabs the cell phone from the women, and to elude the cops this guy runs into a moving bus! Nobody will expect the dead guy!

Stay tuned after the Wedge Radio Show and listen to Ripped in Half with Jason, Steve, and Eric!

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Friday, May 17, 2013

05/17/2013 Watch the Crotch!

It's Friday and the Guys are getting ready to launch the brand new, separate, Best of the Wedge Radio Show Podcast! They're going to compile the entire week's best shit and repurpose it in podcast form! For those who aren't able to listen to the 10 hours the Guys do a week! So, stay tuned for that! So, what's on the show for tonight!? The Guys are going to talk about James Bond, Christopher Nolan, Slicing Penises, Oral Sex, Doctors, Abortions, Mayors, Prostitutes and so much more! Tonight's going to be a great show so you're going to want to listen in, THEN AFTER THE SHOW! The Guys are doing the Midnight Put Down! So, tune in and request your favorite songs! It all starts tonight at 10PM PST/1AM EST on the Wedge Radio Network or you can listen to just the audio at Clutch and Wiggle Entertainment!

A Jilong man is either the craziest mother fucker I've heard of or just a stupid asshole, but in the midst of an argument with this guy's girlfriend, he decided to cut it dick and balls off! Not only did this pussy move end up with him in the hospital, obviously, but now he has nothing downstairs. The man apparently threw it down the toilet, to add insult to injury... to himself. So, he tried to get back at his girlfriend by cutting his shit off? Sounds like a bitch.

A Californian Doctor has been reprimanded for giving some helpful advice, that I'm sure her husband would have enjoyed. The Doctor told her how to get rid of her gag reflex by sucking her husband's dick. Apparently, this advice was not a proper thing to say... That's a win win situation.

Stay tuned after the Wedge Radio Show!

Because it's the Midnight Put Down!

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Thursday, May 16, 2013

05/16/2013 Naked Families

The Guys are back with a Brand Spankin' New Episode of the Wedge Radio Show! On tonight's show the Guys are going to talk about being drunk at work, Naked Families, Wealthy Bitches, Mayors, Crack, Youths, LinkedIn Sluts, and so much more! So, listen live at 10PM PST/1AM EST at for video or just listen to the audio at Clutch and Wiggle Entertainment Uncensored Radio! It's going to be insane! Also, tonight after the Wedge Radio Show is I'm Just Sayin' with L.J. Brown and Friends! That starts sometime after midnight! Thirsty Thursday!

A North Carolina family was found doing God's work. The family was seen traipsing through the park naked when an officer of the law found this act a bit peculiar. So, they stopped them and asked, why the fuck are you walking around all naked and shit!? The family responded by saying that they were doing God's Work and that GAWD told them to get in trouble... Good going God.

The Mayor of Toronto is one chill mother fucker, this guy has a video that is on sale at the moment; to the highest bidder; and is hanging out with youths! Mayor Rob Ford was caught on video tape hanging out with the said youths and smoking the crack cocaine. This guy really is in touch with his inner child. I suppose the video is up for auction, who will finally win that winning bid and receive the demented Video!? Who cares, impeach him and get on with your lives Canadians.

Stay tuned after the Wedge Radio Show for I'm Just Sayin' with L.J. Brown and Friends! The show starts at around 1AM PST! Check it OUT!

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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

05/15/2013 Time Traveling Celebrities

We're going to have a packed studio tonight on the Wedge Radio Show! The Guys are going to be graced with Jason (Ripped in Half), P-nut and Holly. It's going to be a crazy show, I can feel it. The Guys are going to talk about a lot of different topics, such as Cord Cutters, Time Travelers, Drunk at Work, Beer, Iron Maiden, World War Z, The Bible Compels people, Naked Families, and so much more! It's going to be a great show! So, listen live at the Wedge Radio Network to watch the madness or go to Clutch and Wiggle Entertainment to just listen to the audio live! The Show starts tonight at 10PM PST/1AM EST!

This has to mean something, it turns out that another celebrity has been caught Somewhere in Time. Jay Z was found in an authentic photo from Harlem in 1939. Just like the pictures of John Travolta, Nicholas Cage, and Peter Dinklage it looks like these celebrities have been spotted in photos that predate 1940. The mere coincidence is baffling, but is still coincidence. What if they are time traveling? Don't be stupid.

ABC is acting like a little bitch. What they've decided to do is attack the "cord cutters." Cord cutters are people who decide to watch all their TV through the internet, such as Hulu and Netflix. However, they're shooting themselves in the foot and blaming the consumer for using their technology. This is what I'm saying, ABC is releasing an app that allows you to watch ABC live on your iPhone or iPad. They require you to have cable service to use the app. If there seems to be a lot of people cancelling their cable service, they'll hold their shows longer than a week before releasing anything new on Hulu. Sounds like a bitch.

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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

05/14/2013 What's Work Appropriate?

The Guys are back for this Tuesday edition of the Wedge Radio Show and they're going to have a blast! Eric is joining in on today's show, Eric is from the epic show Ripped in Half from the Wedge Radio Network, and they're going to go on a tear! On tonight's show the Guy's are going to talk about Living in Space, Angelina Jolie's Titties, BBC Radio Hosts, Drunk at Work, Iron Maiden Beer, World War Z and so much MORE! It's going to be a great show! So, tune in tonight at 10PM PST/1AM EST and watch at or just listen to Clutch and Wiggle Entertainment Uncensored Radio!

Paula White went out with a bang. This woman was retiring from BBC Radio and she wanted to have a P-A-R-T-Why? Because it's a Party! The woman apparently had a few belts in her and her listeners and bosses thought that she was drunk. So, they did what they do; and that's take her off the air. What bureaucrats. This happened after 30 minutes into her last show... So what!? If she's not breaking the rules and it's her last day then who cares!

Chris Hadfield is in space and he's using his time very wisely. The Guys decided to film a music video of David Bowie's A Space Oddity and God Damn did it come out fantastically! This fuckin' video is trippy. He sings in front of the Earth in the background and it doesn't sound like much, but that's fuckin' crazy when you see it. So, it's good?

Stay tuned after the Wedge Radio Show and listen to Ripped in Half with Jason, Steve, and Eric!

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Monday, May 13, 2013

05/13/2013 Stealing from the Dead

The Guys are going to have a full house tonight! Sam Lock, a pal of his, and Wedge's Girl Katie are going to be in studio tonight! So, hang out with us! Tonight! @10PM PST! The Guys are going to talk about Going to See Pnut, the Game Fatal Frame, Attractiveness, Stoners, Stealing from the Dead, and Shooting People. It's going to be a fun show tonight! So, you're going to want to listen live! They're going to be on both the (Video) or (Audio) if you so happen to want to listen to us live! Then after the show it's the Midnight Put Down! So, get your favorite song ready!

Here, we're not too concerned with the deaths of our loved ones and the possibility that they're standing in horror as they see us forget their very existence. Yet, some people out there in the world are. Point of contention: Debra Farinella. This bitch has been stealing from cemeteries for years and decorating her house in small little trinkets that people leave behind in celebration of their loved ones. Eh, who gives a fuck, they're already throwing 'em out anyway.

So, it looks like a Mother's Day Parade was rained upon, by a Hail Storm of Bullets. A shooter, who had been named, shot as many people as he has age, 19. This happened on Mother's Day and it seems that there is no motive why. That is mostly because they just merely named the mother fucker. He's still out there. So, go out and find Akein Scott and get back to me on that one. I bet he's just sad that he doesn't have  a Mommy.

Stay tuned after the Wedge Radio Show!

Because it's the Midnight Put Down!

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Thursday, May 9, 2013

05/09/2013 Good Moms and Broken Firefighters

Rounding around to the weekend, the Guys got some things surely in store for you! It's going to be a fucked up night! So, tune in @10PM PST/1AM EST and listen live at Clutch and Wiggle Entertainment or watch the video at! The Guys are going to talk about 3D Prints, Firefighters, Bears, Jumping on Hoods, clit week, WebMD, Weird/Fucked Videos, and so much more! It's going to be a great show! Then after the Wedge Radio Show it's I'm Just Sayin' with L.J. Brown and Friends! This all happens tonight! Prepare for the Shenanigans!

Justin Matthews is one unlucky mother fucker. Justin is a firefighter that was dressed up as a bear at a family oriented festival in the UK. In a case of mistaken identity, Justin the bear was ran over by his own firetruck! What seems to have happened is that Justin was walking in front of the truck when he got tangled in the truck's tire. How do you get tangled in such a way?

A Texan mother was minding her own business when 23 year old family friend shot her 14 year old son in the thigh. Knowing what any Mother knows, she quickly addressed the problem for several hours. She popped onto WebMD and tried to diagnose and deal with the issue. Later the bitch gave up and took her son to the health store.

Stay tuned after the Wedge Radio Show for I'm Just Sayin' with L.J. Brown and Friends! The show starts at around 1AM PST! Check it OUT!

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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

05/08/2013 Fuckin' Mr. Nice Guy

Roach is on time tonight, and the shits gonna get real. The Guys are going to talk about Charles Ramsey, The Nicest Guy Award, Clit Week, The Key to a Long Life, Filipino Bride's Limo Fire, Asians on the Hood of Your Car, and so much more! It's going to be a fun show, so tune in live tonight! You can watch the Guys at or you could just listen to the audio at Clutch and Wiggle Entertainment. It's going to be a great show tonight, and we start @10PM PST/1AM EST!

Charles Ramsey is starting to become America's Sweetheart. With quick quips about how he knew something was wrong with a white girl running into the arms of a black man, he's the face of the rescue of the three girls who've been missing for decades. Well, it gets better. He stated that he didn't want the reward for the individual girls, why? Well, he's  got a job, so the reward should go to the girls. He seems too nice...

Elton Kim is a stubborn man who'll go to any lengths for his wife. He was minding his own business when a woman hit his wife's SUV. So, what does he do. He does the manliness thing other than when that guy stood up against the tanks at Tienanmen Square. Well, the car took off and to save his life he jumped on the hood of the car. 2 miles down the road the woman driver was taken into custody, for plain bitchiness. What'd I say about those women drivers.

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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

05/07/2013 Hot for Teacher

So, Roach is going to be late on tonight's show again, so Steve from the show Ripped in Half is going to be in studio for tonight! The Guys are going to talk about Saudi Arabian Sorcerers  3D Printers, Guns, Plastic Guns, Limo Fires, Hot Teachers, Ahnold, Stopping a Hit and Run, and so much more! It's going to be a great show! So, listen live at 10PM PST/1AM EST! To watch the live video go to or go to the Clutch and Wiggle Entertainment for just the audio! Then at Midnight it's Ripped in Half with Jason, Steve, and Eric!

I thought the world had gone past certain points, one being the Witch Hunt. Well, it seems that Saudi Arabia is now, in our mind, leading the way to idiot ideals and complete bullshit for beheading a man for a particularly stupid/idiotic reason... A man was beheaded in Saudi Arabia because he had a talisman... So, they charged him with sorcery. This has a year ago. Fuck!

Olivia Sprauer took a couple sexy photos, and for whatever reason the school thought that she was too sexy to teach kids after the photos came to their attention. The photo in question, the one above this text, just shows an attractive woman in a bikini. Is nothing safe!? This is an attractive woman!

Stay tuned after the Wedge Radio Show and listen to Ripped in Half with Jason, Steve, and Eric!

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Friday, May 3, 2013

05/03/2013 Racism, Intolerance and Bullshit

It's Friday and the Guys are finishing this week with a bang! Well, mostly going through the stories/articles that the Guys hadn't had a chance to get through from this week. The Guys are going to talk about Hijabs, Fall Out Shelters, Clits, Boston Bombermen, Racism, Pepsi, and so much more! It's going to be a crazy show! Then after the show stay tuned to the Midnight Put Down! Call in and request your favorite songs! The Wedge Radio Show starts at 10PM PST at for the video or just listen to the show live at Clutch and Wiggle Entertainment!

So as the news slowly updates the information about the Boston Bombers state some new information on the attack. Not just with the arrest of 3 "helpers" for the attempted cover up of evidence after the bombing, but it came out that the 2 "bomber-men" were going to have one last hurrah. A July 4th suicide bombing. Kill them with no mercy!

So, it seems that Pepsi-co has pulled one of their online ads, not for inefficiency, but for it's racist connotation. So, the question is: is this ad racist? The ad depicts a battered woman forced to point someone out from a police line-up. She then hesitates to point out the goat from the line-up. Is that racist? No. What people found racist was that all the men in the line-up were black. Is that racist? Do I care?

Stay tuned after the Wedge Radio Show!

Because it's the Midnight Put Down!

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Thursday, May 2, 2013

05/02/2013 Pussies and Clits

The week is almost over, but the show is still going strong! The Guys, Wedge and Roach, are back tonight with a brand spankin' new  episode of the Wedge Radio Show! The show starts tonight at 10PM PST/1AM EST at to watch or if you just want the audio go to Clutch and Wiggle Entertainment! The Guys are going to talk about Clits, Psychiatrists, Idiots and Carnivals, Voyeur Sex, and Suicide Rate! It's gonna be a fun show! So, listen live! Then listen to I'm Just Sayin' with L.J. Brown and Friends! After Midnight!

Dr. Jackson Dempsey is a piece of shit. This son of a bitch decided that it would be a great idea to go out into the Oregon bike trails and set up booby traps! This douche strung nylon chords across the path, set up nails, and placed small trees on the trail... The somnabitch didn't even say why he did it except for the fact that he likes to walk on a bike path and hates the bikes that pass by. YOU DUMB PIECE OF SHIT! That's you! Don't walk the path! It's for Bikes! DICK!

We're not sure if it's due to the fact that some cars are just safer than they were before, but if we ignore that then America has finally become a nation of pussies. So, it would seem that suicides have now out numbered the amount of deaths by car accidents... So, lets take actions! We now decide when we're gonna die. Fuck off.

Stay tuned after the Wedge Radio Show for I'm Just Sayin' with L.J. Brown and Friends! The show starts at around 1AM PST! Check it OUT!

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Wednesday, May 1, 2013

05/01/2013 Have Schools Ever Gotten it Right?

The Guys are back on this day of all days! I know right? Wedge and Roach are going to have an amazing show about dumb parents, true parents, and school's future! Shit's gonna be weird. On tonight's show the Guys are going to talk about Rednecks, Shooter Drills, the Future of Schools, Science Projects, Pissing in Class, and so much more! It's going to be a fun show, so listen live! Watch the Guys do the show at or listen to the live stream at at 10PM PST/1AM EST! Mother fucka!

What's only going to fuck things over for gun owners, a Kentucky woman revealed to the world that she is as redneck as fuck. Stephanie Sparks, the redneck in question, was a dumbshit who gave her 4 year old son a rifle. Granted, for 1 year he'd been accident free, until now. He was playing with his rifle when his mother left him and his 2 year old sister in the same room. The little sister didn't make it, and this dumb fuck didn't know what was going to happen!? Fuck that bitch.

Now tell me what planet this was a good idea. Two men with masks on kicked open school doors, scaring all of the kids with a loud shots from the guns they were toting, and caused the children to shit themselves! OK, that's not what happened, but a school had a shooter drill for the teachers, which is scary as fuck, but when will it finally be time to do this on a regular schedule? I always loved Earthquake Drills, especially when the girl in front of me wore a skirt!

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