Christine Stoudemire was an average girl of a young age who wants to drink and be merry. However, with her life extending to the middle part of the '90's she has the deserving right to feel like she deserves everything. So, when a cop pulls her over for weaving in and out of traffic she has the audacity to try to buy back her fake ID for $15.00... Doesn't she deserve it though? What'd she do wrong? Besides being a dumb cunt!
What another reason to say that we're in a world of snotty little shits. Sherlyn Chopra is a 28 year old bitch who wrote and wrote and whined and whined until they caved into her demented demands. Jesus Christ, I remember the time when Playboy was restricted from Indians.
So Moira Johnston is a stripper. She strips naked at night and shows off her tits to anyone who'll give her money for it. Now this dumb bitch wants equal rights to walk around topless in public just like a man has the right to. Doesn't she know that this will dampen her beloved practice of taking her clothes off for money? She'll just start showing off her snatch and use it as a receptacle.
Stay tuned after the Wedge Radio Show and listen to Ripped in Half with Jason, Steve, and Eric!
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