There are idiotic reasons to get a ticket and there are perfectly good reasons to get a ticket. This is not one of them. This woman, as stupid as it sounds, was in the left lane on a freeway in Maryland and was pulled over. She wasn't speeding nor was she going too slow... Well, the cop thought she was going too slow. The woman was going 2 miles under the speed limit. I wonder how slow the cop was going, 3 or 4 miles under? Cunt.
I thought your free time was your free time, apparently that's not the case if you're a cop. Stacey Suro, a cop, had posted hundreds of photos on some website. Hot right? Eh, they're alright... Anyway, this woman was suspended from work and demoted for posting such risque photos on the internet. I wonder who found the photos... And who squealed.

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